Want to Personally Communicate With Fans At Scale All Year? Let's Talk.

✅ Teams that send personalized messages to fans increase their ticket sales rates by up to 6x.

✅ Fans are 75% more likely to renew a ticket membership while at the entertainment venue.

During a demo, we'll share our strategies that enable sports teams & entertainment venues to create connections with fans all year, build hype for each game, and sell more tickets. All while saving hours each week.

Select a day below to connect:
“Stakd has helped us expand our communication strategy into a new channel we feel our donors really appreciate.”
Hanna Campbell
Director of Marketing & Communications
“Our Staff is able to increase and enhance their personal communication with recruits but actually spend less time doing it.”
Andy Vaughn
Associate Athletics Director
“Having a full time customer success team has been instrumental for us. Football doesn't work in "business hours" & it is so nice to have real life people help you out when needed!”
Texas logo
Taylor Searels
Director of Recruiting Operations